Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Falling in Love

For Southern Californians this time of the year truly awakens us out of our bubble of sunglasses and tank tops. Some of us love the change in weather, while others sit inside wishing for the sun to come around again. I am an individual that you can definitely count on seeing out in the street dancing in the rain. 

Although we experience no snow down here, the misty breeze is pleasant enough. That is why some high-waisted shorts were still suitable for this blue Tuesday, and Graphic T's are visually stimulating, fitting in with every season. 

There is a section in my closet that I gaze at throughout the year, longing for the day when I can pull out those pieces. This would be my collection of  cozy cardigans and eclectic coats. I actually temporarily rented this knitted beige vest from my boyfriends father, I promised I would return it after Fall. I chose on this day to wear my Obey green army jacket which is full of quality and warmth, making me feel elevated all throughout the day. This is a piece of my wardrobe that is timeless. This coat will never leave my sight. Nor will the Fall time.

Beanie: Neff  Vest: Eddie Bauer Top and Jacket: Obey  Shorts: XXI

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