Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Garden Child

My mother is a full time Elementary school Principle and a part time Landscape Designer. She mastered the garden at her house so beautifully. I cant help but escape to this sanctuary every spare chance that I get. 

I grew up in this garden. Playing in the ferns and getting lost in all the smells of the herbs. Practicing soccer in the backyard (desperately trying to avoid collapsing in the rose bushes). I watched the avocado tree near the side fence grow from a tiny stem into a fruitful queen. All in all this garden is my nostalgic zone of beauty and blooming stimulation. Being in here not only calms my nerves, but it clears my head for new inspiration.

After visiting the garden at my mothers house I pick outfits that are true and organic to my vision of style. Layers and levels of patterns and clothing pieces create a puzzle piece of imagery that is what I seek Fashion to be. 

Headband: Thrift Trader Tank: MuseVice creation Bando: MuseVice creation Skirt: Flashbacks Shoes: Bebe

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